AVG CloudCare

Late in their entrance into a congested, confused and complicated marketplace. Where everyone is struggling to differentiate their offer. A market with typically low engagement within the category, limited understanding and the perception of only marginal benefits. A recipe for inertia. With that in mind position AVG CloudCare™ as a contender to be taken seriously, particularly by the small business sector.

Do the opposite to everyone else. Where they complicate, simplify, where they talk about technical features, talk about real-world benefits.

From this, the core idea of “Why complicate?” was born. It acted as a guiding light through everything that was produced, it dispensed with superfluous verbiage, unnecessary embellishments, multiple messaging and complex graphic systems. This essence was applied across all media from brand toolkits to online advertising. It was lived throughout the organisation too through office refits and internal communications. It was living proof that minimal doesn’t have to be empty.

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